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BellaOnline Press Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Pledges 3 Million Ads to Help Haiti

Campaign Helps Visitors Learn to Help Themselves, then to Help Others

January 24, 2010 - There have been telethons, benefits, musical extravaganzas, and Twitter campaigns exhorting people to donate money to Haiti. However, many people in the US are still struggling to recover from a serious recession. They do not have a job and can barely pay their rent. They do not have even $10 to donate to a good cause.

Lisa Shea, owner of BellaOnline, strove to create a solution. "We have over three hundred editors at BellaOnline, each specializing in a topic area," explains Shea. "We have a knitting editor who excels in creating beautiful objects out of yarn. Our desserts editor concocts delicious recipes for cookies and other bake sale items. Every editor represents a talented resource who stands ready to provide personal advice to our visitors. What we had to do was harness that energy to help with Haiti's needs."

BellaOnline will be dedicating three million ads towards this effort. The ads will encourage visitors to realize, even if they are on an extremely tight budget, that there are ways they can help out.

For example, just about every home has a few unwanted "junk" items that clutter up a room. The Online Auctions editor will help visitors learn, step by step, how to sell those items on the web and donate the proceeds to charity. The visitor gains a cleaner home, and Haiti receives a donation.

A wide range of hobbies can be utilized to help Haiti. Crocheters will learn how to sell items online or at craft fairs, donating their proceeds to charity. Writers will be taught how to create ebooks. Photographers will create print-on-demand tshirts and tote bags. Bicyclists will set up charity rides. For every interest, there is a way to help which involves little to no money.

Even better, the skills the visitors learn will help them thrive for the rest of their life. Once this current crisis is past, the visitors will use their new-found skills to support other charities, and to improve their own worlds.

"Helping others is a primary mission of BellaOnline," says Shea. "Doing our very utmost to help those in need in Haiti is a high priority for us. We also want to help support our millions of visitors who already face financial issues. To be able to help both groups at the same time, and build self sufficiency skills in our readers' lives, makes every team member at BellaOnline very proud. This is exactly why we are here."

UPDATE: As of the end of February 2010, BellaOnline ran over 6.7 million ad views to promote efforts to help the earthquake victims in Haiti.


BellaOnline provides an encouraging, supportive publishing community for women. It provides free training, support, and promotion so writers may reach their personal and business goals. BellaOnline aims to provide no-cost, reliable, high-quality, helpful, and trustworthy content, in a low-advertisement environment for millions of visitors.

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