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BellaOnline is a comprehensive, online Network created by women for women. Our ads pay our hosting fees, and do not exist to make us a profit. Our visitors have made us the 2nd largest women's site in the world because they trust us and respect the content we provide. We are therefore careful about the types of ads we run on our site and shy away from anything offensive or obtrusive.

You can choose up to six sites to target your ad campaign on. This helps to ensure that the visitors who see your ad are the most likely people to appreciate it and click on it. You can choose exactly what sites you want your ad on, and can change your mind as the campaign progresses and you see what works well for you.

We do not have any file size limitations on our ads, but remember, the slower your ad is to load, the less likely a user on dial-up will wait to see it.

Here are samples of the ad sizes we run.

468 wide x 60 high / 728 wide x 90 high ("Banners")
These banners run at the top and bottom of every page on our site. We accept both static images and gently animated files, but we do not accept any flashing or jiggling graphics for visitor safety reasons.

120 wide x 600 high / 160 wide x 600 high ("Skyscrapers" or "Towers")
These banners can be seen on the left and right side of every page on our site. No flashing or jiggling ads.

Text ads
Text ads are only run in our newsletters. Because of the Google issues caused by having unrelated text content appearing and disappearing on a webpage, we do not allow ads to be added to and deleted from our online content.

Each site has a newsletter associated with it. We have a cat newsletter, a dog newsletter, a quilting newsletter, and more. Our newsletters are sent out on a weekly basis. The best way to find out what the various newsletters are like is to subscribe to a few. Newsletter Listing

Keep in mind that these are text newsletters and therefore text ads. You cannot include any HTML at all, including images. You want to be sure your URL line is under 80 characters long, since many email programs will wrap a line at 80 characters.

Newsletter text ads always go out with an existing newsletter. We do not send out "solo ad newsletters" where the newsletter is a giant press release with no editor content. Newsletter ads are always at the bottom of an editor's newsletter content. They always consist of a one line title, three lines of advertising, and a one line URL. Below is a sample newsletter text ad.

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Designing a Web Ad - A BellaOnline Step by Step Primer!


The Best Essential Oils for Mature Ethnic Beauties

Best Essential Oils for Fresh Spring Perfumes

The Cabbage Roses


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Summertime Foods
Corn on the Cob
Burgers on the Grill
Apple Pie

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